Sunday, July 17, 2011

I am so bad about keeping this blog updated.....

Sorry I am so bad at keeping this updated.

I am currently in Phase 3.
I have added all fruits, vegetables, eggs, and dairy back into my diet. Today I had some almond butter and tomorrow I will be adding some natural organic peanut butter and peanuts.

Things have been going pretty well weight wise, I have gone up a little adding in some foods but so far have been able to bring that back down each day or so. :)
I also have started playing tennis.... well I'm learning but it is a little workout and it is the first since starting HCG. (since I was not following an "Active" HCG program) example,

here is an updated photo, Yes I am angling myself a little so don't be fooled I don't look as good as I do in the photo... we not yet at least. haha. :)  I am getting there, about 25lbs down and 25lbs to go!
Talk to you later, Karis Marie

Thursday, July 7, 2011

R1 P2 D37 - Tomorrow P3

Tomorrow I start Phase 3 - Maintenance Phase

The next three days I will be on the LCD (Low Calorie Diet) with no HCG Drops.
After those three days, I will continue Maintenance for three weeks, During this time I will slowly start adding new foods back into my diet, eating anything I would like (except, Sugars and Starches). Eating whenever I am hungry and aim for 5 meals a day; Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, and Dinner.

I'm looking forward to eating more variety of foods again. It has been a short yet long 6 weeks.
I'll report my total pounds lost tomorrow morning,
Talk to you soon. :)