Tuesday, May 31, 2011

HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

I've received my HCG drops in the mail today!

I am very excited to start the Six week plan tomorrow.
Tomorrow starts Phase One/ The Load.
The Loading Phase lasts two days and consists of taking 10 HCG drops under the tongue three times a day (Morning, Noon, and Afternoon; approximately 30mins before each meal.) and also eating as much "high fat" food as I want. The loading phase is important, your body needs enough fat in your system before starting "Phase Two", if I don't eat enough high fat food I may risk feeling extra hungry or grumpy for the first week or so... According to the packet I received with my HCG drops.
I bought my drops using a daily deal on tippr.com, you can buy the same drops I am taking at www.hcgdirectbuy.com
While taking the HCG Drops I will be tracking my progress on this blog and also charting my progress and what I eat (starting in Phase Two/ Day Three) on paper.

My goal is to lose around 40 - 50 pounds. I can't wait to get started! :)

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